Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy Bloody Holidays

I went in for a routine blood test this morning. No big deal, right. Poke my arm, take my blood, get me outta there so I can go to Starbuck's (or better yet, Peet's). Man I hate this "nothing by mouth after midnight the night before" stuff. So I'm in the waiting area looking at the corny, corporate holiday decorations and I'm completely floored when I notice this on the wall behind me:

The first two things are standard-issue junk; fake poinsettias and a plastic "Season's Greetings" sign. Nothing celebrates the joy of the holidays like plastic. But wait. What is that below it? A bunch of stuff scotch taped directly to the wall. Here's a close-up.

Those are the vials they use to collect your blood. Somebody in that medical office has a sense of humor. I love it.


MomTo4KidsNY said...

I dread going to have them take my blood! To see that on the wall would have made me relax!!
Love it and thanks for sharing! I will remember this for the next time!

Anonymous said...

I love it! Thank goodness they weren't filled with blood. It would have looked more Christmas-y, but kind of creepy too.