Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Am I the Only Person in America ...

... who doesn't watch Dancing With the Stars?

<< Get your damn hand off my boob.
I've tried, I've really tried. It makes my eyes glaze over. As my friend Ginny would say, "It makes my hair hurt." I just don't get it. What is the appeal of spending hours and hours watching pretty people dancing? It's like watching a screen saver, except with really irritating narration.

If anybody reads this blog, I'm going to get flamed. DWTS is the most popular show in the entire country. In fact, for the Season to Date, not one but two of the top ten shows are DWTS. Color me clueless.
I almost forgot to mention the really insidious thing about this writers' strike that's happening in TV-land. Once the shows that are "in the can" get used up, if the strike is still on, we won't be left with much. All that we will be left with is mindless drivel like this and reruns of scripted shows. I fear for the the near future of TV, and I fear even more for the short run (six months out) which the public realizes all that is on TV is garbage.
The great game of chicken that the writers and the networks are playing (we're the oncoming train) may result in more loss of viewers carnage than they're actually expecting. I predict that in the event of a long-running strike, viewers will leave network TV in droves for alternate forms of entertainment, including DVD, Internet, cable video on demand, and who knows, some may even (gasp) read a book.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

LMAO Oh honey I am right there with you. I do not watch it either.